Jake Kean Mayman

Jake Kean Mayman

Jake Kean Mayman’s meticulously rendered oil paintings perform the still life genre’s requisite function of depicting both the achievements and the transience of daily life through an assortment of electronics, gear, fruit, and goods engineered for consumption and entertainment. Mayman—both a skeptic and an optimist—conveys a fascination with the design, utility, and innovation of everyday objects, alongside the need for a closer examination of our rapidly evolving tools

Jake Kean Mayman (b. 1980, Los Angeles, CA) lives and works in Los Angeles, CA.

Image details: Jake Kean Mayman, Radiant Barrier Material (Nautica), 2019, Oil on linen, 10 x 14 inches. Photo credit: Josh Schaedel (above and previous page).


OFFICE MAGAZINE November 2021 by Kayla Curtis-Evans
ARTNET November 2021 by Tim Schneider

Nori Pao